the isolde scores – performances in response to photographic scores by Jez Riley French.

various artists offer performances in reponse to photographic scores by Jez Riley French.
featuring Michael Pisaro, Philip Thomas, Jez Riley French & Daniel Jones, Anastasia Chrysanthakopoulou, Maile Colbert, Greg Stuart, Barry Chabala, Coastguard All Stars (incl. Philip on piano)
Very limited edition

“…The closing track, by philip thomas is (I think) played on a piano, but the thick, deep sinetones that dominate the music try and point elsewhere. Whether they were created in post production, or with some kind of live computer manipulation I don’t really know, but this sounds like more than just eBows placed on strings. Beyond these heavy tones there are rattles. rings and scrapes, some that sound like looping samples. I may have got this completely wrong and there may be no piano at work at all here, which would be disappointing as the music is quite affecting in its stark, almost confrontational simplicity and I’d like to think it was created, at least initially using acoustic means, but however it is made the track really gets into your head and bounces about inside as the incessant tone gets heavier and louder…”
– Richard Pinnell, THE WATCHFUL EAR (for full review, click here)